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INV # Digital Image Scan Name H x w Medium Magazine Date Magazine/ Pages/ Prints/ Mounted print (quantity) Set-Up Photos
151 x x The Amazing Cardiff 14 x 11

Page (pg.34-35), Mounted print (2)

Illustration Aug. 2002 Magazine (pg.31)(36)
156 x x New Orleans Whorehouse (Pleasure Town, Everette Webber) 30 x 30 framed oil on panel canvas
Jun. 1957 Page (pg.26-27)(2), Mounted print (2) Photos

Illustration Aug. 2002 Magazine (pg.32)(36)
x The Yellowstone Rose Bride with Knife on Flatboat 21 x 31½ framed oil on panel canvas


The Yellowstone Rose, William Heuman 13 x 19.5

160 x: Battle Scene x "The Phantom Cats of Iwo" (by Phil Tuniman) 20 x 35

Sept. 1955 Magazine (pg.22-23), Page (pg.22-23) Photos
159 x x Lowell Thomas cover (Lowell Thomas in Morocco) 12 x 10

Aug. 1959 Cover, Mounted print Photos
153 x: Balloonist x "They Rode the Winds" (by Robert Crichton) 24 x 44

Aug. 1956 Page (pg.48-49), Mounted print (2) Photos

They Rode the Winds Stranded Polar Balloonist 9.5 x 15.5

"The Real Crazy Night" (by Ralph Stein)

Nov. 1955 Page (pg.47-48)(2) Photos

"Trouble at the Great Boar" (by George Morrill: Bar Fight) 33 x 24

Mar. 1957 Page (pg.22-23)(3), Mounted print Photos

Trouble at the Great Boar Soldiers in Bar Brawl Interupted, sketch 7.5 x 10

12 x: Alice nude on bed x "The Ape and the Very Merry Widow" (by Sam Boal) 16 x 20 framed oil on canvas
Mar. 1955 Magazine (pg.34-35), Page (pg.34-35), Mounted print Photos

"Blizzard on the High Plateau" (by John Tiger), (2 men setting up tent in blizzard)

Feb. 1955 Page (pg.52-53)(5), Mounted print (2) Photos
155 x: soldier and geishas x "Stars for Old Sarge" (by Lynn Montrosss) 24 x 36

Nov. 1956 Page (pg.18-19)(2), Mounted print Photos

"One Survived" (by Hal Butler) (man on beach with seals)

Sep. 1959 Page (pg.22-23) Photos
161 x: weight lift x "Mister Muscle" (David Willoughby & E.B. Mee) 24 x 26.5

Dec. 1957 Page (pg.40-41)(6) Photos

Winter 1997-98 Magazine (pg.63)(2)

Emmett, Dahlov Ipcar, ss, (man attacked in dream by cats: tiger, bobcat, panther)

O'ROURKE (Novelette) Arnold Hano

Polar Explorer

The Man for Tarnish (by G.C. Edmondson) 23 x 44

The Witch of Wall Streat (by Dale Shaw) 16 x 12

166 x x Eskimo Hunter and Bear: "The Mystery of the Icecap (by Robert Murphy) 9 x 21

Jan. 3, 1959 Print page (pg.28-29)(4)
x Hurricane: Boy & Woman & Child (Tom Labreque, Alice, Annie) 16 x 16 oil on panel canvas

167b x x Girl on Shrimp Boat: Hurricane (by Jean Lebreque) 14 x 16 framed oil on panel canvas

167 x x "One Night Together" (by Jean Bell Mosley): Girl and Patchwork Quilt 10 x 10

Nov. 5, 1955 Print page (pg.34-35)(9), Mounted print Photos

"Second-Best Bride" (by Harriet Frank, Jr)

Sept. 10, 1955 Print Page (pg.27)

"Wall of Flame" (by Paul Horgan)

Aug. 1, 1959 Print Page (pg.20-21)(2)

"The Liar" (by Stewart Toland)

Apr. 28,1956 Print Pages (pg.40-41)(6), Mounted print

"The Reluctant Hunter" (by David Walker): white bear with three eskimos

Page (pg.26-27)(9)

"Rebels Under the Sea" (by Robert Carse):two men pulling on rope on torpedo

Jul. 5, 1958 Page (pg.24-25)(4), Mounted print

"A Candle of the Lord" (by Vera Hycz): man holding girl in kitchin

Dec. 24, 1955 Page (pg.14-15)

"Journey in the Dark" (by David Walker): Mom and two kids in wind with blown stop sign

Mar. 22, 1958 Page (pg.22-23)(6), Mounted print Large photo (b&w)

"One Angry Heiress" (by George Sumner Albee)

Aug. 13, 1960 Magazine, Page (pg.20-21)(3), Mounted print

"Storm Girl" (by Charlton Ogburn, JR)

Dec. 29, 1956 Page (pg.58-59)
x Benjamin Franklin (Cover)

Jan. 21, 1956 (7, Proof print, mounted print), Jan 19, 1957 (2), Jan. 18, 1958 (2), Jan. 16, 1960
171 x x Walter Lippmann A Macleish

Feb. 1955 Cover (3), Mounted print (2) Photos

American Artist May. 1956 Magazine (pg.30)(7)

Illustration Aug. 2002 Magazine (pg.34)(36)

"Conscience and the Undergraduate" (by John S. Dickey)

Apr. 1955 Cover (3), Print Photos

"Lorca's Gypsy" (by Michael Swan)

Sept. 1954 Magazine (cover), Cover (3), Mounted print Photos

"Add a Dash of Pity" (by Peter Ustinov)

Feb. 1959 Cover (5), Mounted print Photos

"Courtship in Granada" (by Gerald Brenan)

Aug. 1957 Cover, Mounted print(2)

"Making and Judging Poetry" (by W.H. Auden)

Jan. 1957 Cover (4) Photos

"Eminent Women" (by The Editors) 23.5 x 35.5

May. 1959 Magazine (pg. 56-57), Print pages (4), Mounted print Photos
x Paul Lehr at Writing Desk "Teatime and the Voice" (by MacDonald Harris) 23.5 x 35.5

Apr. 1961 Magazine (pg. 88-89), Pages, Mounted print (2) Photos

"Saved by a Dream" (by Mark Alkus)

Nov.1949, Vol 27, No.1 Page (4)

"The Phantom Cats" (by Robert J. Casey)

Page (2)

"Trial by Fire" (by Joe Lansdell)

Feb. 1950 Page

"Beware the Lash!" (by James T. Mangan)

Aug. 1950 Page

"Game of Silence"

Jan. 1950 Page (2)

"Tribute to a Lady" (by Louis Vereui)

Jul. 1950 Page (2)

"Masters of Music"

Nov. 1949 Page (2)
170 x: Sarah in Attic
"Grasshopper"(by Alec Rackowe)

Oct. 1964 Magazine (pg. 54-55)(2), Mounted print Photos


"Cry the Cosmos"by Ray Bradbury

Mounted print

"Don't Let H.O. Spoil Your Fishing" by Dan Bowers

Mounted print (2)